Can I return an ebook or other digital product for a refund?

Because there is no way to entirely forfeit digital products, I cannot grant refunds.

I completed my purchase – where is my order?

Digital products are emailed immediately after purchase. Please check your spam or junk folder in the odd chance the item did not end up in your primary inbox. Bookfunnel fulfills my ebook orders and they are more than happy to help solve any issues. Just go to this page and use your email as your login name.

What device can I read my book on?

When you receive the download link from Bookfunnel after your purchase, you can choose what device to read the book on. For further assistance, visit their help page for fast support.

Help! My 14 day download window/special code has expired.

No worries! Any ebook you buy from me is yours forever. Go to this page on Bookfunnel and use your email as your login name. You will then find all books you have purchased from me available for download.

How do preorders work?

You will be charged for the book when you order it and receive an email from Bookfunnel confirming the release date. When the release date arrives, you will automatically be emailed the book file, which you can then read on any device.